Setelah resmi pindah dari Yamaha ke Ducati, Valentino Rossi rupanya tak sanggup melupakan kenangan yang sangat tak bisa di lupakan bersama tim yang sudah dibelanya selama 7 musim itu dan telah menghasilkan 4 gelar juara dunia untuk Yamaha tsb, valentino rossi sangat berjasa bagi yamaha dalam mengubah motor Yamaha dari motor yang dianggap remeh menjadi motor yang sangat ditakuti lawan-lawannya. tapi apa boleh dikata Rossi harus mencari tantangan baru, untuk itu di telah memilih Ducati yang notabene adalah tim dari pabrikan negaranya sendiri Itali, keputusan itu telah diambilnya dan secara resmi di umumkan setelah GP Ceko senin malam 15/8/2010.
untuk menggambarkan isi hatinya yang sebenernya sangat berat berpisah dengan Yamaha Valentino rossi menyampaikan kata-kata perpisahan buat M1 and Yamaha :
dan berikut surat yang ditulis langsung oleh rossi untuk Yamaha

untuk menggambarkan isi hatinya yang sebenernya sangat berat berpisah dengan Yamaha Valentino rossi menyampaikan kata-kata perpisahan buat M1 and Yamaha :
“It is very difficult to explain in just a few words what my relationship with Yamaha has been in these past seven years.
“Many things have changed since that far-off time in 2004, but especially ‘she’, my M1, has changed. At that time she was a poor middle-grid position MotoGP bike, derided by most of the riders and the MotoGP workers. Now, after having helped her to grow and improve, you can see her smiling in her garage, courted and admired, treated as the ‘top of the class’.
“The list of the people that made this transformation possible is very long, but I would like to thank anyway Masao Furusawa, Masahiko Nakajima and ‘my’ Hiroya Atsumi, as representatives of all the engineers that worked hard to change the face of our M1. Then Jeremy Burgess and all my guys in the garage, who took care of her with love on all the tracks of the world and also all the men and women that have worked in the Yamaha team during these years.
“Now the moment has come to look for new challenges; my work here at Yamaha is finished. Unfortunately even the most beautiful love stories finish, but they leave a lot of wonderful memories, like when my M1 and I kissed for the first time on the grass at Welkom, when she looked straight in my eyes and told me ‘I love you!’”
dan berikut surat yang ditulis langsung oleh rossi untuk Yamaha
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